New professor to map the significance of neuro-immune interactions in Parkinson's disease

Marina Romero-Ramos is a new professor of Neuroscience at the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University, where she is researching the processes that contribute to neuronal death in patients with Parkinson's disease.

Professor Marina Romero-Ramos took up her professorship on 1 December 2023.
Professor Marina Romero-Ramos took up her professorship on 1 December 2023. Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Photo.

Professor Marina Romero-Ramos is particularly interested in the role of immune cells in the development of the disease, and how these cells interact with neurons and affect the health of the neurons. Through her research, she hopes to gain insight into how the brain communicates with immune cells in the blood, and how these cells can change the environment in the brain. A better understanding of the role of the immune cells may also pave the way for new treatment possibilities, for example by targeting treatment at easily accessible blood cells.

"The clear goal of our laboratory work is to help people with Parkinson and related diseases. This also includes active interaction with organizations whose mission is to improve the life of those living with Parkinson’s by promoting knowledge and research” says Marina Romero-Ramos who was just appointed as a Director of the Board of the World Parkinson’s Coalition.

She continues: “I also have strong focus on teaching, and I’m keen to communicate my research interest to the medical students. One thing I'm trying to convince them of, is that a research year in a laboratory on campus is a fantastic opportunity to try your hand at research".


Professor, pharmacologist and PhD Marina Romero-Ramos
Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine - DANDRITE
Telephone: + 45 60 20 27 49