Closer cooperation between Aarhus University and the Danish Cancer Society will strengthen research

Aarhus University and the Danish Cancer Society enter into a new, formal cooperation. The goal is to make it easier to attract research grants for joint projects, and to provide a better basis for sharing and developing new knowledge and new technologies.

AU og Kræftens Bekæmpelse knytter nu båndene tættere til hinanden i form af en ny samarbejdsaftale.

Aarhus University and the Danish Cancer Society are now strengthening their ties to each other in the form of a new partnership agreement that will strengthen research in Denmark.

The two parties already work together on research, but the new agreement will strengthen the cooperation even more within the core areas of research, talent development, education and knowledge exchange.

Specially, it will provide researchers working across the two organisations with a formal framework for undertaking joint projects. It will help them to share and develop knowledge about new research and technology and to start joint projects.

“The aim is also that stronger cooperation irrespective of geography and research expertise will provide better opportunities for attracting external research grants both in Denmark and internationally,” explains Allan Flyvbjerg, who was until 30 September 2016 dean of Health at Aarhus University:

"Viewed historically, we have a tradition of close relations to the Danish Cancer Society, and in many areas we have the goal of creating knowledge about the prevention and treatment of cancer. Now we are creating a formal joint structure that gives us a better starting point in the competition for external grants. This is a great advantage that benefits all parties, not least the patients and families affected by cancer," says Allan Flyvbjerg.

According to The Danish Cancer Society’s Managing Director Leif Vestergaard Petersen, an important point is that the partnership strengthens research, which will benefit patients.

"Our ambition is for Danish cancer researchers and oncologists to work together across the whole country, and the partnership between the researchers from Aarhus University and the Danish Cancer Society is part of this ambition. Research and knowledge is what continuously drives us towards better solutions and treatments, and stronger research can help to strengthen areas such as prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Areas which can, among other things, contribute to fewer people dying of cancer in the future," says Leif Vestergaard Petersen.


Further information:

Ole Steen Nielsen, acting dean
Health, Aarhus University
 (+45) 2476 5093