Asser Hedegård Thomsen


Medical Specialist, Speciallæge i Retsmedicin

Primary affiliation

Asser Hedegård Thomsen

Areas of expertise

  • Forensic Medicine
  • Homicide
  • Wound pathology
  • 3D Visualization
  • Teaching

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


Specialist (MD) in Forensic Medicine. Has done quite a bit of research in homicides and related atrocities. Passionate about teaching, data visualization, and simple communication.

Job responsibilities

Everything related to forensic medicine, but with a particular interest in autopsies, homicides, severe violence, asphyxia and traumatology. Teach forensic medicine and death to both professionals and the general public. Have helped write a couple of books—and probably not the last one, yet.

Selected publications

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